At Bonsack Since: 2022

Schooling: Bluefield University

Pets: Oliver, a cat

Staley Lyle

Music Time for Kids Coordinator

Testimony: I was raised in the church and accepted Christ at a very young age. Jesus became real to me through consistent discipleship at home, in my church, through high school, and mentorship in College. Even with my many failures and shortcomings, Christ has always been there even when I doubted his presence.

Describe your area of ministry: Music Time for Kids is oriented to learn about God’s love for us and how to worship Him with many different art forms. We do hands-on activities with instruments, acting, art, percussion, and many more to get kids learning and discovering more about our creator as we move through the year.

Why does your ministry exist? Music Time exists as an outlet for creativity that is Christ-centered. It’s an opportunity to be encouraged and learn about the arts in a safe and loving environment. We hope to instill firstly a love of Christ but also a love of being creative for our creator. We are designed to worship and honor Christ, so of course we should encourage that worship in every aspect of life.

Why should someone choose to be involved in your ministry? Music Time is always changing and growing to fit our fluctuating group of students.

How would you describe your passion in 1 sentence? Teaching children and young adults to love Christ, the church, and cultivate a culture of worship in everything we do.

Hobbies: I love all things music and creative arts. I also enjoy anything cosmetology related.

Fun Facts: Owls are my favorite animal!