At Bonsack Since: 2023

Schooling: B.A. in Literature from Patrick Henry College, M.A. in Christian Education from Dallas Theological Seminary

Family: Lisa, Ben, David, Elanor, and Brennan

Pets: Cosmo, a Cavapoo puppy

Lisa Adams

Director of Christian Education

Testimony: I grew up in a Christian home and was born again when I was ten years old, believing that Jesus died on the cross for my sins and rose again on the third day. Though I was immeasurably blessed to grow up hearing the Gospel, I was also exposed to legalism and false teaching. My growth in grace since then has been a long and winding journey, as I’ve learned through healing church communities that to know the truth is to be set free.

Why does your ministry exist? The adult discipleship and outreach ministry seeks to fulfill the Great Commission to “go and make disciples.” We want to help every adult who comes through our doors take their next steps to grow in their relationships with God and with others.

Why should someone choose to be involved in your ministry? We believe that Bible study in community is one of the best contexts for life transformation. We encourage every adult to plug into a Sunday morning discipleship group, as well as to consider joining a midweek Bible study.

How would you describe your passion in 1 sentence? Intersecting God’s Word and God’s people.

Hobbies: Read a wide variety of genres—I’m the weird mom at the pool with both a novel and a theology textbook, and the stack of books on my bedside table is out of control. I also love to cook and to hike.

Fun Facts: I love the outdoors. If I can take it outside, I will.